Contact John Fugate You’re welcome to fill out the form below, or call me at 254.756.2424. Information about youName* First Last Your email Your phone number*How can we help I am a victim of identity theft I am being threatened by a debt collector Someone claiming to be serving me papers is calling I have paid the debt but still get calls Information about the debt collectorWhatever information you have may be helpful. If you don’t have some of the information below, just leave that field blank!Name First Last Debt collection company's name* Collector's phone numberDetails about this debt collection (check as many as apply)* I’m being contacted about someone else’s debt The debt is likely mine, real and currently owed The debt is likely not mine, not real or not currently owed I’m being contacted by multiple debt collectors for the same debt I’ve talked with the debt collector I’ve sent money to the debt collector I have a recording of a voicemail from the debt collector I have a written inquiry (email or physical mail) from the debt collector I’m being harassed by a debt collector Any other detailsPlease give a short description of your situation. Further details can be given on the phone if needed.How can we help?*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ